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There are a few top-tier designer bags that always capture the attention of handbag aficionados, such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Bottega Veneta, and Celine. However, each season brings a couple of brands that generate the most buzz.

Currently, Loewe and Bottega Veneta are dominating the handbag world. Regardless of whether these brands are your personal favorites, it’s undeniable that both have experienced tremendous success in recent years.

The most popular brands in the eyes of consumers tend to rotate over time. Lately, I’ve been contemplating the brands that don’t receive the attention they deserve. While Miu Miu used to fly under the radar for many, that’s been changing as the brand continues to undergo a renaissance of sorts.

When seeking a new bag, I tend to prioritize style, quality, and functionality. In truth, there are more brands that fit these criteria than I initially realize. However, what about the other brands that seem to be overlooked, quietly waiting in the wings for their big moment?

I often find myself drawn to Jil Sander’s bags when browsing new arrivals on our favorite online retailers. It’s unsettling that Jil Sander is one of those brands that consistently checks all the boxes I look for yet remains largely ignored.

Despite this, I keep forgetting that the brand has been in existence for over 50 years. Sander’s original vision centered around quiet minimalism, and that brand DNA has endured throughout various changes. Led by the husband and wife duo Lucie and Luke Meier, Jil Sander’s bags embody a refined, clean, minimalistic vision with a touch of distinctive style.

Given the current trend towards neutrals and more understated luxury pieces, I predict that Jil Sander will no longer be overlooked. Which handbag brand do you believe is the most underrated?

Find Jil Sander products via Luisaviaroma.


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