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While scrolling through TikTok reels on Instagram, I came across a captivating clip titled “People That Scream Old Money.” It was at that moment that I realized how bizarre this trend has become, forcing us to classify individuals under the category of “stealth wealth” rather than focusing on material possessions. It’s remarkable to see the ongoing fusion of celebrity creatives into luxury labels, leading us to treat these living, breathing beings as commodities, an integral part of a brand’s lineup. As a result, heritage labels that were once the trendsetters are now struggling with their marketing tactics, while indie names, with the help of TikTok and social media, are taking the lead in the fashion industry.

Traditionally, the fashion industry has not been known for democracy, with luxury brands being the epitome of class. However, contemporary houses, despite their popularity, remained at the bottom. Even though the allure of labels, longevities, and after-sales service was no longer enough to drive demand, the industry continued to rely on marketing. For the younger generation of buyers, standards in style were particularly restrictive, leading them to turn to mid-range brands that offered more experimental designs at affordable prices. As a result, these brands have managed to rejuvenate the fashion industry, unconstrained by traditional designs and heritage DNA.

The market has evolved, moving away from a binary classification toward more unique and affordable items. With the rise of conscientious consumption, brands have questioned whether a bag can be both unique and affordable, challenging the notion that expensive always equates to excellence. Brands like Cult Gaia, Self-Portrait, and Benedetta Bruzziches have made a mark with their attention to detail and transparency about their prices. As a result, contemporary names are now leading the charge in initiating conversations and drawing compliments from strangers, filling the void left by traditional luxury brands.

In conclusion, the fashion industry is undergoing an era of transformation, with the influence of social media and changing consumer preferences reshaping the landscape. It’s clear that the definition of luxury and exclusivity is evolving, and brands that can adapt to this new paradigm will thrive in the future.


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