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In this brand new CC, we are introducing a collector from Canada who has been amassing bags for over a decade. At the age of 25, she acquired her very first bag – a Louis Vuitton Neverfull. Even after all these years, the collector still vividly recalls the exhilaration of walking out with the large box in hand. Today, this collector boasts a stunning array of bags and delights in the pursuit of acquiring unique pieces, although she tends to favor classic styles. The collector is mindful in her shopping habits and is determined to live within her means, although humorously commenting that her husband might disagree with her mindfulness.

Read the full CC below, and don’t forget to submit your own!

Basic Bio
– Your Age? 36
– Your Gender Identity? Female
– Where do you live? Canada
– What is your occupation? Financial Analyst, CPA
– What industry do you work in? Mining
– Your annual salary? $120,000
– Total Household Income? $320,000
– Are you a PurseForum member? Yes

Onto The Bags
– How many bags do you own? Approximately 17
– What bags are in your collection? How much is your collection worth? I estimate my collection to be worth about $30,000.
– What is your most expensive bag? Definitely my Chanel Classic Flap.
– Do you ever regret any of your bag purchases? No, I cherish and appreciate each and every one of them.
– What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? I received my LV Neverfull MM as a gift on my 25th birthday. I can still vividly recall that day and the feeling of holding that large brown box in my hand – it was like walking on clouds!
– Is there a specific bag you are looking to purchase next? There isn’t any specific bag that I am looking to purchase next, but I feel my collection is missing a Dior or a Fendi. Maybe even a Chanel 19?
– Do you have a ‘holy grail’ dream bag you’ve always wanted to own? I am fortunate to already own my dream bag – the Classic Flap!
– Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? Each bag holds specific memories for me, whether it be my LV Favourite bought on the hottest day in Rome, my Chanel Classic WOC bought on a whim in Dubai airport while in transit moving to Canada for the first time, or my YSL Kate bought in Morocco while on holiday with my best girlfriend. My bags serve as souvenirs from my travels.

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? I don’t think so. I don’t actually pay attention to anyone, and no one really comments on my bags except to compliment them. I don’t wear them to draw attention to myself or to be treated differently.

How do you take care of your bags? I don’t baby them, but I am cautious about the type of material and colors I purchase. I store them carefully and make sure not to put them in my checked luggage. Also, as they say, “bags on the floor, money out the door,” so I always have an extra chair for them or they stay on my lap, covered with a napkin.

On Shopping
– How often do you buy new bags? Only when one truly captures my interest and I can’t stop thinking about it, so probably once or twice a year on average.
– Do you prefer shopping for bags online or in-store? Why? I prefer shopping in person so that I can try on the bag and get a feel for it. Living in a rural city means I have to shop online more often though.
– Which stores do you frequent the most? I will always visit a Chanel store whenever I can (if the queue is not insane) – I just cannot help myself!
– Have you ever returned a bag after purchasing it? Why did you make that decision? No, I haven’t, because each one was bought after much consideration and obsession.
– Do you ever buy second-hand bags? Where do you buy used? I did buy the Chanel Boy bag from a friend of mine, and I am not opposed to buying secondhand, only if the source is trustworthy.
– Do you sell old bags to pay for new purchases? Fortunately, no.
– Do you ever donate or gift your old bags? If so, to whom? No, each bag is precious to me, so they stay with me.
– Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase more bags? I definitely do not feel pressured into buying more. I buy them because I love them, and not to keep up with trends.

Do you consider your bag purchases investments? Well, it seems that the Chanel bags are, but generally, I buy them for enjoyment. It’s just a bonus when they appreciate in value.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends when deciding on your next purchase, or do you prefer classic styles? I am influenced to a certain extent to keep an open mind with bags. For example, my Celine Nano is a Kohl color and the YSL Sade is a tube bag to add interest to my collection. Generally, I tend to prefer classic styles and colors.

Are sales associate relationships instrumental to your shopping? I don’t believe so; however, I have generally been lucky to not encounter sales associates with arrogant attitudes. I remember buying my Chanel Boy WOC in Paris (Rue Cambon – I just had to, of course), and my SA took selfies with me and my purchase on the famous stairs.

Do you enjoy shopping beyond just acquiring something new? I buy my bags because I love them. They are wearable little pieces of handcrafted art. I don’t believe I am a shopaholic because each purchase is well thought out. That being said, my husband might disagree…

Have you ever felt you received inferior service at a store or boutique due to your appearance, ethnicity or gender? I am generally disheveled when I travel and I am of South Asian descent. I don’t make an effort to dress up or use designer labels when shopping – so far it’s been good, with having received good service.

What are some factors that may dissuade you from buying a bag, even if you like it? Definitely the price and the quality I would get for the money I am spending.

Is there a brand you outright refuse to buy? Why? I hesitate over Dolce & Gabbana, but I do not have an outright refusal.

On Budgeting & Perceptions
Who pays for your bags? I do – and I am gifted some by my husband.

Do you set aside a budget for your bag purchases? I don’t set aside anything, but I do ensure that I have saved towards retirement and my rainy day funds first (and obviously also make sure bills are paid).

Have you ever purchased a counterfeit because you couldn’t afford a designer item? No, and I wouldn’t ever.

Do you ever hide purchases from your significant other? I did this once – the Gucci Padlock – and never again. The guilt consumed me, and I came clean very quickly.

Have your friends or family ever criticized your bag-buying habits? If so, how did you respond? My immediate family was initially taken aback by how I could spend so much money on bags (and shoes). I grew up in a very modest family, and money was always tight. I explained to them that I am still financially responsible with no dependents, nor do I depend on anyone else. That seemed to help, and now they let me be.

Have you ever made a significant sacrifice to afford a bag? I haven’t and would not compromise my quality of life for a bag, no matter the circumstances.


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