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Working in the luxury fashion industry, especially within the niche area of handbags, I am frequently approached to provide insights on bags. From strangers intrigued by my profession to friends and family, I have given extensive advice on purchase decisions.

Among the common questions I receive are inquiries about the best bags to buy at the moment, the most popular brands, sound investment options, and trends that are worth considering. Engaging in conversations about bags with everyday consumers often offers fun and valuable insights.

Recently, two friends with different tastes in the fashion industry asked me the same question. This sparked a new question that I would like to pose to you. What advice would you give to a friend who is interested in purchasing a suede bag?

Suede bags are often sought after for their luxurious feel and appearance. When a friend of mine, who typically buys one non-luxury purse per year and uses it until she grows tired of it, expressed interest in a suede STAUD bag, I conveyed my thoughts. Despite liking the bag, I was concerned that it would show signs of wear relatively quickly, particularly since my friend is not an avid bag collector and does not have a large collection to rotate. “I haven’t had a suede bag yet,” I reminded her, backing up my advice with factual information.

While suede bags have their appeal, they can be challenging to maintain in a like-new condition, even with the utmost care and attention. Despite a strong desire to own a suede bag, the thought of it still makes me uneasy.

The second bag in question was a grey suede Bottega Veneta Teen Jodie, which my friend shared with me through an Instagram Reel. Enthusiastically asking, “What about this one?!?” she awaited my input following an in-person discussion regarding her potential purchase during an upcoming trip to Paris. Despite her excitement, I recommended purchasing the leather version of the bag, taking into account that I also have my eyes on another Jodie Bag, and the Teen is an excellent option.

In recent weeks, there has been a rise in the popularity of suede bags across various social media platforms, and I too find myself increasingly drawn to them. However, I still find myself hesitant to take the plunge and make a purchase.

Am I being overly cautious in my approach, or are my reservations warranted? What are your thoughts on this?


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