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A while back, it seemed inconceivable to me that I would ever part ways with any of my bags. I was fixated on building a huge, diverse collection that included bags from all major brands. However, I eventually realized the futility of holding on to bags that no longer brought me joy. My new approach became prioritizing quality over quantity when adding to my collection.

When a bag loses its appeal and I find myself neglecting it, I weigh the option of letting it go. Sometimes, I wait a month or two to see if I start reaching for the bag again. In my quest to part ways with a bag, I discovered the trade-in program offered by Rebag, which has been extremely beneficial. It allows me to buy and sell in one transaction, resulting in higher returns and even tax-free shopping.

After growing tired of my Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessoires, I used the trade-in program to part ways with it and acquire my beloved silver Bottega Veneta Cassette at a fraction of the cost. The trade value I received was almost as much as the original price I paid, which allowed me to make a smart investment in the new bag.

I’m currently considering making another trade using the program and would love to hear other people’s experiences with trade programs. What’s your go-to secret when it comes to building a bag collection?

Feel free to check out the tantalizing offer for the BOTTEGA VENETA Cassette Bag, available for just $2,095 at Chanel.


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