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There was a time, not too long ago, when the debate of whether or not to baby our bags was a heated topic of conversation. Some collectors went to great lengths to protect their bags, aiming to keep them in pristine condition for as long as possible. Measures like purchasing a bag raincoat, using a purse hook, or even carrying a spare canvas tote at all times in case of emergencies were taken. I must admit, I’ve heard it all.

Lived-in bags have always sparked lively discussions. Who could forget one of the most unforgettable handbag moments of the 2010s: Mary-Kate Olsen confidently carrying a heavily distressed Hermès Kelly bag, to the point where it was difficult to determine its original color, navy or black. The fashion world collectively gasped. Olsen’s nonchalant attitude became a catalyst of sorts, shattering the notion that handbags must always be in mint condition. Our bags are an extension of ourselves, and just like our lives, they can be messy.

As the trend of worn-out bags continues to thrive, designers are now including distressed and aged leather bags in their collections. For those who still struggle to use their bags without anxiety, a pre-distressed bag serves as the perfect gateway. After all, who really has the time anymore to obsess over excessive care for a bag? Aged leather exudes that “no fucks given” attitude that every millennial hopes to embody after witnessing the viral beat-up bag moment. These bags offer a casually chic appeal with a dress-down vibe that requires no babying.

So, love it or leave it?


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