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Attain inner tranquility. As avid collectors, we are familiar with the concept. We have deliberated on it. Some of us have even boasted of achieving the unattainable state of inner tranquility. But is it truly possible?

Let’s delve into this matter.

The premise behind inner tranquility is a sense of contentment and being in a state of peace with our collection. This can be further characterized by the notion that no new releases or currently available bags entice us enough to make a purchase in the near or distant future. Although I believe it is conceivable to reach a state of inner tranquility, I regard the idea as fleeting and unrealistic in the long run.

Allow me to explain.

The luxury fashion industry, worth billions of dollars, is engineered to prevent us from achieving inner tranquility. Luxury brands unveil numerous new bags each year, supported by million-dollar advertising and marketing campaigns that aim to captivate consumers at their core. It is arduous to disregard all the clamor, even when we find ourselves content with our treasured masterpiece and satisfied with our current collection.

Personally, I consider attaining a state of enduring inner tranquility to be next to impossible. We may decide to “retire” from collecting or pledge not to make any additional purchases. Nonetheless, the concept of perpetual inner tranquility remains largely an unrealistic ideology. I believe that the degree of contentment we find in our collection falls on a spectrum—it fluctuates. The elusive notion of inner tranquility is challenging to grasp, if not altogether unachievable.

What are your thoughts on this matter?


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