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Welcome to this edition of Closet Confessionals. Today, we are introduced to an architect from Geneva who boasts an impressive collection of bags. This collector has curated a collection that includes iconic pieces from Chanel, Goyard, and several stunning Hermès pieces. CC 207 is a firm believer that shopping should not only be enjoyed but should also be an exchange of knowledge. She has built solid relationships with her sales associates, who are well-versed in her style, which is a perfect balance of 50 percent classic and 50 percent trendy. This collector approaches shopping wisely, opting for quality pieces over excess, emphasizing longevity in her purchases. To get the full scoop on CC 207, read on below, and remember to submit your own!

Basic Bio

Your Age? 40

Your Gender Identity? Female

Where do you live? Geneva

What is your occupation? Architect

What industry do you work in? Construction

Your annual salary? $100,000

Total Household Income? $300,000

Are you a PurseForum member? Yes

Onto The Bags

How many bags do you own? 35

What bags are in your collection? The collection is worth around $200,000.

How much is your collection worth? $200,000

What is your most expensive bag? $27,000

Do you ever regret any of your bag purchases? If so, which ones and why? A Chanel Deauville Tote – overdecorated.

What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? I was 16, and the bag was Gucci Kandinsky.

Is there a specific bag you are looking to purchase next? Hermès Mini Kelly

Do you have a ‘holy grail’ dream bag you’ve always wanted to own? Hermès Birkin Picnic

Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? My first Gucci and my first Hermès Kelly

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? Indeed, changing the bag I carry does change the way people treat me. Some are envious, while others are blown away. Even the salesperson’s treatment is different.

How do you take care of your bags? I carefully store them in their boxes to keep them looking like new.

On Shopping

How often do you buy new bags? Every 2-3 months

Do you prefer shopping for bags online or in-store? Why? In-store, as I need to try them on before making a purchase.

Which stores do you frequent the most? Hermès

Have you ever returned a bag after purchasing it? Why did you make that decision? No, I never have.

Do you ever buy second-hand bags? Where do you buy used? Occasionally, if I’m looking for something specific that is no longer in production.

Do you sell old bags to pay for new purchases? Yes, but only the trendy ones! I sell them either in a second-hand shop or online.

Do you ever donate or gift your old bags? If so, to whom? No.

Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase more bags? No.

Do you consider your bag purchases investments? Yes.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends when deciding on your next purchase, or do you prefer classic styles? It’s a mix, about 50/50.

Are sales associate relationships instrumental to your shopping? Absolutely, my sales associates know my taste well, and they are adept at finding the perfect products when they come in stock.

Do you enjoy shopping beyond just acquiring something new? I love it, especially luxury shopping, which I view as an exchange of knowledge rather than a simple transaction.

Have you ever felt you received inferior service at a store or boutique due to your appearance, ethnicity, or gender? No.

What are some factors that may dissuade you from buying a bag, even if you like it? Sometimes, practical priorities take precedence.

Is there a brand you outright refuse to buy? Why? No, but I’m not interested in brands with excessive logos, such as Gucci.

On Budgeting & Perceptions

Who pays for your bags? I do.

Do you set aside a budget for your bag purchases? No.

Have you ever purchased a counterfeit because you couldn’t afford a designer item? No.

Do you ever hide purchases from your significant other? No.

Have your friends or family ever criticized your bag-buying habits? If so, how did you respond? Yes, but it’s none of their business. The issue is often jealousy, but that’s their problem, not mine.

Have you ever made a significant sacrifice to afford a bag? No.

Do you think your shopping is ever a problem? Have you ever felt like you were struggling with a shopping addiction? Yes, but I’m trying to stick to what I need and not just buying everything.

Let’s get personal…

Any other expensive hobbies or passions? Art.

What is your greatest fear? None.

Which living person do you most admire? Elon Musk because he’s very, very creative and unafraid to do what he wants.

What or who is the greatest love of your life? My entire family.

What is your favorite journey you have taken so far? Japan and Norway.

Any parting words you would like to share with our readers? Buy just a few quality pieces! Don’t waste money buying clothes that you don’t need; it’s a waste for the planet, and we should stop following trends; a good quality piece will last forever…. less is more!


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